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Automatic pallet dispensers

General information about automatic pallet dispensers Automatic pallet dispensers are used for safe and efficient stacking of pallets in logistics and distribution centers, as well as production facilities. Their main advantage is that they allow handling of pallets on the floor using pallet jacks and simple forklifts. Pallets can be stacked or retrieved individually or…

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Mobile work surfaces and work positioners

General information on mobile work platforms Mobile work positioners are an ergonomic solution for situations where permanent work surfaces are not a practical solution, but an occasional mobile work stand is required for placing and lifting loads such as boxes, crates and tools. Due to the compact design, the devices are suitable for confined spaces,…

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STS tilters for IBC containers

General information on IBC tilter STS IBC tilter is an ergonomic solution for emptying IBC containers. The device is suitable for extracting liquids from IBC containers. The device is mobile, i.e. it can be used in different places in the factory. The lifting capacity of the device is up to 1.000 kg. IBC containers are…

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TAWI Grip vacuum grippers

General information on vacuum grippers TAWI Grip vacuum grippers and gripping tools are ergonomic solutions for handling heavy loads of larger dimensions. They are used for gripping and lifting wooden boards, metal boards and sheets, glass and other air-tight materials. The lifting capacity is 500 kg and the power supply can be electric or pneumatic.…

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Electric wire and chain hoists

General information on wire and chain electric hoists TAWI electric hoists with wire or chain are intended for precise and safe lifting of various loads. Ergonomically designed control handles simplify the use of the crane as much as possible. The devices are easy to maintain. TAWI Wire Hoist (former ViperHoist) is an extremely simple, safe…

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STS drum lifters, tilters and rotators

General information on drum tippers and rotators Mobile STS barrel turners are an ergonomic solution for improving ergonomics in the production process and efficient and safe handling of barrels of different materials, volumes and weights. Mobile manual, electric and pneumatic tippers of plastic, metal and cardboard drums are used to grab, lift and rotate drums…

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Logitrans manual and electric forklifts

General information on manual and electric forklifts Manual pallet truck offered by Logitrans is robust and easy to operate, providing the user with optimal working conditions. Specially designed wheels minimize the starting force and facilitate the correct handling of heavy pallets during pulling and pushing maneuvers. The elegant design with rounded corners reduces the risk…

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Logitrans reel rotators and lifters

General information on reel lifters and rotators Logitrans Reel Lifter is an ergonomic solution to facilitate the handling of heavy reels. It is used for manipulation of foil reels, paper rolls and cylinders. The lifting capacity of the device is 500 kg. Logitrans Reel Rotator is an ergonomic solution for increasing safety and efficiency when…

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Logitrans scissor highlifters

General information on scissor pallet trucks Highlifter scissor pallet trucks improve ergonomics in the workplace by keeping the pallet with the product at the optimal height. Available manual and electric lifting, loads up to 1.500 kg or 1.000 kg if lifted to a height of 800 mm from the floor. Stainless steel devices are supplied…

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TAWI lifters for warehouses and distribution centers

General information on lifters in logistics TAWI vacuum manipulators for warehouses enable the optimization of the workplace and facilitate the work of workers in warehouses and logistics-distribution centers when handling loads. Manipulators are used for sorting, packing, order picking, palletizing and depalletizing. Using vacuum technology, loads such as cardboard boxes, packages, bags, buckets, barrels, etc.…

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Kako industrijski manipulatori pomažu drvnoj industriji?

U današnjem brzom svijetu, drvna industrija te proizvođači namještaja neprestano istražuje načine za unapređenje efikasnosti i sigurnosti svojih proizvodnih procesa. Industrijski manipulatori su se pokazali kao ključni faktori u ovoj transformaciji, pružajući novu razinu automatizacije i ergonomije u obradi i proizvodnji drva.

Industrijski manipulatori su izuzetno korisni u drvnoj industriji za precizno i sigurno rukovanje sirovinama, poluproizvodima i gotovim proizvodima. Njihova upotreba značajno smanjuje fizičko opterećenje radnika, povećavajući pritom produktivnost i efikasnost. Ovi uređaji su posebno važni za zadatke kao što su podizanje teških drvnih ploča ili dasaka u pilanama, premještanje velikih volumena drvene građe i precizno pozicioniranje elemenata u proizvodnim linijama.

Prednosti u proizvodnji

Primjena industrijskih manipulatora u drvnoj industriji donosi brojne prednosti. Osim smanjenja rizika od ozljeda na radu, manipulatori povećavaju preciznost i produktivnost u procesima rezanja, oblikovanja i obrade drva. Oni također omogućuju bržu i efikasniju manipulaciju materijalima, što dovodi do smanjenja vremena potrebnog za proizvodnju i povećanja ukupne produktivnosti.

Prilagođena rješenja za različite potrebe

Svaka tvornica u drvnoj industriji ima svoje jedinstvene izazove i potrebe. Zato nudimo prilagođena rješenja i industrijske manipulatore koji se mogu integrirati u postojeće proizvodne linije, prilagođavajući se specifičnim zahtjevima i uvjetima rada.

Zadovoljnih kupaca
Isporučenih strojeva

Ergonomija i sigurnost u drvnoj industriji

Industrijski manipulatori u drvnoj industriji dizajnirani su s naglaskom na ergonomiju i sigurnost. Oni pomažu u sprječavanju ozljeda povezanih s teškim fizičkim radom, kao što su ozljede leđa ili mišića, što je često prisutno pri ručnom rukovanju teškim drvnim materijalima, proizvodima i poluproizvodima. Uz to, napredni sustavi kontrole i automatizacije pozitivno utječu kvalitetu krajnjeg proizvoda.

Kontaktirajte nas

Industrijski manipulatori su ključna komponenta u modernizaciji i optimizaciji proizvodnih procesa u drvnoj industriji, poput pilana, u proizvodnji masivnih drvenih ploča ili u proizvodnji namještaja. Pozivamo vas da saznate više o tome kako naša rješenja mogu pomoći vašem poslovanju. Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija i otkrijte kako možemo unaprijediti vaše proizvodne procese i povećati sigurnost na radu.

  • Piljenje i blanjanje drva 
  • Proizvodnja furnira i ostalih ploča od drva 
  • Proizvodnja sastavljenog parketa 
  • Proizvodnja ostale građevne stolarije i elemenata 
  • Proizvodnja ambalaže od drva 
  • Proizvodnja ostalih proizvoda od drva, proizvoda od pluta, slame i pletarskih materijala 
  • Proizvodnja namještaja za poslovne i prodajne prostore 
  • Proizvodnja kuhinjskog namještaja 
  • Proizvodnja madraca 
  • Proizvodnja ostalog namještaja